Monday, June 16, 2008

It's very cold here

Recently I had my first visitor to Corque in almost a year. My friend Ryan, a fellow B-45 volunteer, came out and helped me install some pumps for the wells I have been drilling. We had a good time. Sharing this experience with friends is very gratifying, so come one come all!

If you look really hard, you can see that it was actually SNOWING!!!! in this picture.

I am a fan of snow, so this really made me happy as you can see. The snow is more visible here too.To get to Villa Esperanza we had to hop a ride in the back of this truck. It dropped us off about 15 miles from town, so we walked.
I was so happy about the snow and having a visitor that the cold didn't bother me. I was also well prepared with the alpaca scarf my Aunt Susan made me.


Unknown said...

What did I get myself into Whorehey?

Em Cee McG said...

Oh don't worry Lauren, I will make tea.

gmac said...

Saw you well after these were taken and had no idea how cold it was down there. Okay it's been six weeks. Let's get some more stuff up here!