Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Technology in Comedy!

My sister introduced me to the newest thing in comedyphoto technology. It's called shakey faces, and as you can see, it is awesome. Anna
John's sister

yours truly
Mike did not understand shakey face
triple awesome shakey face


justin said...

the shaky face is gaining momemtum world wide
it's so nice to see new material, it was well worth the wait. thanks

i heard that song that u bern jammed today, it made me smile, laugh, and reminise. what a great memory

Em Cee McG said...

Yes, just the other day I was walking down the street and saw 8-10 random people doing shakey face. It is really incredible.

Sorry it took so long to get this up there. I will try to be better but things have been a little busy and I have not been around the internet much lately. Glad you enjoyed the pictures!