Saturday, February 23, 2008

"Happiness Is Only Real When Shared"

I just got to watch the movie Into the Wild which was based on a book that I read 6 years ago. My friend Sara gave it to me and it was very powerful and I related to it then. Seeing it this morning brought back memories. What a good book. What a good story. What a sad story. You should do yourself a favor and watch it or, better yet, read it.
The quote is from something he wrote while he was starving to death alone in the bus behind him that became his home and death bed. I don't know if what he wrote is true, but I feel like I get to share my happiness with great friends and a loving and understanding family, and I know that it is real. Thanks


Anna said...

no way dont take it down. thats representing peace corps to the fullest! hope things are going well waaaaaay up there

Em Cee McG said...

you know we keep it real! see you at project meeting!