Sunday, February 10, 2008

Wow, this is not good news...

This comment was left after the following ABC News story:
This is a BS story! I have worked in a number of embassies as a US Army Intelligence officer, and State Department people, Regional Security Officers and Other Governmental Agencies know full well you can’t recruit Peace Corps or US Persons. Actually, it's better to recruit local nationals. If they become compromised there isn't any blow back. As far as Peace Corps goes, they are private US persons and they do not even have access to US Embassy services that government employees have. Actually in all my years working in Latin America I never saw that the Peace Corps did much of anything. Honduras had the largest contingent and they all looked and acted like refugees from the counterculture. They dressed horribly and were poor representatives of the US people. They would come in once a month and get their check and then back out to their assignments, which I saw as drinking a lot of the local cheap booze. My people knew well enough to stay clear of them. They were even under orders not to stop and give them a ride if they were hitchhiking even if the weather was inclement. We had a saying: “I’d rather be a baby in the belly of a ####, than a member of the peace Corps” This “Scholar” is a liar!
Posted by:djendrizal 3:22 PM


Tomas Sullivan said...

America is great because we have people from so many different backgrounds, melting pot right? So her we have this guy who writes a response saying he represents, or did, USA at one time or another in some form of a security officer and turns out to be a bigot and completely disrespectful to another US Dept of State program, way to display some tolerance and respect. Are we not on the same team?

Anonymous said...

hi george (does this work?)

Anonymous said...

oh yes this works so hard!
i think your blog is wonderful, and i look forward to reading more of it. your camera was a joy, but like all things, it was stolen. one time i had a camera and i took a picture of another camera, creating a momentary lapse in the space-time continuum. if you do it enough it will give you a seizure. then again, so will violent video games, but you dont see me playing those do you?
hey oh!

Em Cee McG said...

No kidding! this guy made me really mad. I wanted to write something back on the site but unfortunately we are protected from the 1st ammendment here and so I just put his comment up here in hopes that others might be upstet by it too.

Em Cee McG said...

dear dangerous dancey, if you like danger you should come down to Bolivia where danger lurks in every sandwich and around every corner. That whole space time continuum thing is heavy doc, I mean how times do you see two u's next to eachother in a word! hey oh! Indeed!

Kritkrat said...

'but like all things, it was stolen'? Seriously, dude, you need therapy 'cause that is one neg-o-tive attitude!