Friday, May 23, 2008

Brandon is 27, this was his party


anna sullivan said...

shiiit, we missed a good party, pues. I hate that we don't live up there in the alti with you guys. We'd have fit in like a good pair of undies up there.

So, i just got to america. it's amazing. it's not anything at all like Bolivia. Except that Bolivia is amazing, too. But in such a different way. I'm gonna go find you some hot sauce now. We'll come see you when we get back (tech exchange before one year meds??)

p.s. change the setting on your blog that makes commenters have to break this letter code thingy.

Em Cee McG said...

There you go, lady Bird, squiggily lines be damned!
I am trying to get baños going up here and am about to meet with someone Wednesday about getting it done. I will keep you posted. When do you come back to oBlivia?