Thursday, August 14, 2008

Whale Watching

One of the highlights of the trip home for the wedding was the whale watching rehersal dinner. I was unaware that there would be food on the boat, but other than that it couldn't have been better.
Eagles are as common in Southeast Alaska as llamas are here in the altiplano, but they both still blow me away
I still haven't figured out how to flirt effectively, but I think I do a better job than this sea lion.
In your dreams Regina Spector
This was the first time I had seen Orcas, or killer whales, and they stayed with us for nearly an hour performing breaches and rolls and stealing the show.
My uncle Marty took all of these pictures, so thanks for sharing!


Jacqueline said...

Georgie Porgie,

But of course!

Love always,

Em Cee McG said...

Thank you Jackie,

My blog just got infinitely cooler.

Kritkrat said...

I have decided that I am no longer speaking to you because you didn't get me on the rehersal dinner cruise. Quit rubbing in your stupid orcas.

Em Cee McG said...

First you want more posts, then you don't like the ones I put up.
I am sorry about that though.